Last Summer (2023)
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Last Summer
 104 min | Year: 2023 |  France Norway

Follows Anne, a brilliant lawyer who lives with her husband Pierre and their daughters. Anne gradually engages in a passionate relationship with Theo, Pierre's son from a previous marriage, putting her career and family life in danger.

One summer, a French teenager who has been living with his mother in the city moves in with his estranged father's family in the countryside, where he clashes with his stepmother.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

The wife has sex with her husband (13:29). We see her boobs here.

The wife comes into her stepson's room and has sex with him (43:28). She had a couple of flirting scenes with him before this. She tells him that it shouldn't happen again.

The wife and her stepson kiss while lying face down on a picnic cloth (53:16). He then eats her pussy and bangs her in the bedroom in the next scene.

The wife's sister sees her and her stepson kissing (59:34). She gets a bit mad at her. The wife then tells her stepson that they should really end their affair this time because it's getting dangerous. He asks for a goodbye kiss which she grants (1:03:19).

The stepson couldn't get over his stepmom breaking up with him and tells his dad about the affair. She denies it, and her husband believes her. The stepson threatens to sue her if she doesn't tell the truth. The wife still wouldn't budge.

The stepson comes to the couple's house late at night drunk. The wife talks to him, and he tries to kiss her. She kisses him back and ends up having sex with him in the woods (1:34:26).  We see her boobs when she returns to the side of her husband on the bed. He has no clue what just happened.


Nice. The wife's sex scenes with her stepson could have been more explicit, though.

Original / Other Title:  L’été dernier

 Director:  Catherine Breillat

Genres: Drama, Thriller

Country:   France Norway
Language:  French
Release Date:  13 September 2023

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