Lily Sometimes (2010)
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 103 min | Year: 2010 |  France

Clara is happily married to a promising lawyer and lives in Paris. After the sudden death of her mother, Clara has to assume responsibility for her younger sister Lily, whose blossoming femininity makes her vulnerable.

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Cheating Notes

At 1:19:05, three men pull up in their van in front of Clara (Diane Kruger) and her sister Lily's place. They tell Clara that they're Lily's friends. They look too old to be Lily's friends; one is closer to Lily than the others.

Clara and Lily have a barbeque with the three men in their front yard. Clara calls her husband twice during the night to report to him about the men and that she and Lily are okay while hanging out with them.

At 1:29:05, Clara screws one of the men. Non-nude. At 32:35. Clara is in her bra and panties while Lily is nude when they take a dip in a stream.

Original / Other Title:  Pieds nus sur les limaces

 Director:  Fabienne Berthaud

Genres: Drama

Country:   France
Language:  French
Release Date:  1 December 2010

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