Rao Ron (2012) aka Impassioned
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 71 min | Year: 2012 |  Thailand

Ray, who is married to Ai, is having an affair with his wife's sister Um. Meanwhile, Um's husband Hawi is having an affair with a woman named Praiya. Hawi comes across Ai by chance and we learn that she is his ex-girlfriend. Praiya gets jealous when Hawi starts talking to Ai on the phone when they are together. She gets into a fight with him and during this phase, she meets Ray. Things spark between them and they begin an affair when he takes her home drunk after their date. Meanwhile, while Ai's husband is busy with Praiya, making her feel neglected, Hawi pays her a visit at home. He makes her move on her after he accidentally sees her naked in the shower and in the bedroom. She fends off his advance initially, but when her husband still doesn't come home because he's still busy fucking Praiya, she gives in to him. What will happen to the intertwined love affairs between these five people?

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In the end, the three women and the two husbands meet in a restaurant and it turns out that the two married sisters also know Praiya. I think she is their third sister!

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Original / Other Title:  เร่าร้อน

 Stars:  Am Waralaks

Genres: Drama

Country:   Thailand
Language:  Thai
Release Date:  5 May 2012

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