Chronicles the love life of a man, Zhenbao. He has a steamy fling with the wife of a friend, the saucy and exciting Red Rose. Even though he feels happy with her, he knows he will not end up with her. To maintain his reputation, he marries an antiseptic, frigid but classy lady of a prim and proper background. Dissonance abound when he finds his bride irritating.
Cheating Notes
Zhenbao has a steamy fling with the wife of a friend, the saucy and exciting Red Rose a.k.a. Mrs. Wang. He fucks Mrs. Wang at 36:29, 42:58 (she humps him, we see her naked back and her buttcrack), and 58:29 (hospital sex). We see Mrs. Wang's tit slightly at 49:26 as she gets off the bed. Zhenbao has nude sex with a random chick he meets in a club at 1:27:08.
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