The Demon Wet Nurse (1992)
2.5 (2)

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 95 min | Year: 1992 |  Hong Kong

This Category III period drama featuring power struggles and naughty things within the imperial palace walls definitely has effort put forth but immense chunks of plot holes are nowhere near filled up. Much seem missing in the story of poor Ru Yee who applies to be the nursemaid of the Emperor’s son. She gets help to gain access by Wei (Tan Lap-Man) and soon they are both heavily involved inside the palace. She as the nurse maid and he as a eunuch in training. Wei also finds time to murder Ru Yee’s sick husband and child… a fact barely mentioned after it’s happened.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Ru Yee, who has a sick husband and a child, has sex with Wei, the one who takes her to the capital and who will help her become a nursemaid of the Emperor's son through his connection (14:46).

Wei murders Ru Yee's sick husband and child but she doesn't know that yet.

Ru Yee has sex with the court lady (35:50).

Original / Other Title:  半妖乳娘

 Director:  Hsia Tsu-hui

Genres: Drama

Country:   Hong Kong
Language:  Cantonese
Release Date:  12 March 1992

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