The Lickerish Quartet (1970)
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R  88 min | Year: 1970 |  Germany Italy United States of America

A jaded, wealthy couple watches an adult movie in their castle home along with her adult son. The son is testy, so they go into town and watch a circus-like thrill ride. The daredevil woman in the show looks exactly like one of the women in the movie, so the man invites her to their home to join them for a nightcap. Tensions among the family seem to rise. She stays overnight, and during her 24 hours in the castle, each of its three residents involves her in a fantasy. She, in turn, keeps asking, "Who has the gun?" Will there be violence before it's over?

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

A jaded, wealthy couple and the wife's adult son invite a circus daredevil woman into their home (a castle) after they saw her in an adult movie. The woman ends up seducing each of them.

47:49 - The daredevil woman has sex with the husband in the castle's library.

1:01:00 - The daredevil woman has sex with the son in the outdoors.

1:13:33 - The daredevil woman has sex with the wife on the couch. Meanwhile, the film they're watching on the projector shows a wife having sex with her lover, and her son and her husband walking into the room individually and catching them in the act. It seems that the lovers in the film they are watching are the same actor and actress playing the wife and the husband, so I think it was their story: that the wife cheated on her soldier husband back then with her present husband.

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