The Patience Stone (2012)
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R  102 min | Year: 2013 |  Afghanistan United Kingdom Germany France

She achieved her independence by telling stories filled with forbidden secrets

In a war-ridden country, a woman watches over the husband reduced to a vegetable state by a bullet in the neck, abandoned by Jihad companions and brothers. One day, the woman decides to say things to him she could never have done before.

Somewhere, in Afghanistan or elsewhere, in a country torn apart by a war... A young woman in her thirties watches over her older husband in a decrepit room. He is reduced to the state of a vegetable because of a bullet in the neck. Not only is he abandoned by his companions of the Jihad, but also by his brothers. One day, the woman decides to tell the truth to him about her feelings about their relationship to her silent husband. She talks about her childhood, her suffering, her frustrations, her loneliness, her dreams, her desires... She says things she could never have done before, even though they have been married for the past 10 years. Therefore, this paralyzed man unconsciously becomes syngue sabour, a magic stone which, according to Persian mythology, when placed in front of a person shields her from unhappiness, suffering, pains and miseries. In this wait for her husband to come back to life, the woman struggles to survive and live. She finds refuge in her aunt's place, who is a prostitute, and the only relative who understands her. The woman seeks to free herself from suffering through the words she delivers audaciously to her husband. But after weeks of looking after him, she will actually reveal herself in the relationship she starts with a young soldier...

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

The wife tells two mujahideen fighters who enter her home that she is a prostitute so that they will not rape her. The older fighter is disgusted and doesn't, but the younger one, a virgin, offers her money and then starts forcing himself on her (1:02:04). He comes too fast and the scene is shot non-explicitly. After this, the wife takes a bath and her boob pops out briefly. The young fighter then keeps coming back and so the wife warms up to him and starts accepting his money in exchange for sex, and maybe there are times that she doesn't take any money. Aside from the first one, no more sex scenes are shown between them, though.


Near the end part of the movie, the wife reveals to her vegetable husband that their children are not his. That he is the one who is infertile and not her. His mother at that time wanted him to marry another woman and the wife, worried about what would happen to her, came to her aunt, who was a whore, for help. She referred her to a "miracle worker", but that miracle worker was actually her pimp. Long story short, an inexperienced guy was the one who fucked and impregnated the wife. We see a sexual scene for this at 1:36:01, but it's also non-explicit, as the guy is on top of the wife and covering her body, but at least there's some thrusting action.

Download English Subtitles

Original / Other Title:  SynguĆ© Sabour - Pierre de patience

 Director:  Atiq Rahimi

Genres: Drama, War

Country:   Afghanistan United Kingdom Germany France
Language:  Farsi
Release Date:  20 February 2013

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