The Shout (1978)
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R  86 min | Year: 1978 |  United Kingdom

A traveler by the name of Crossley forces himself upon a musician and his wife in a lonely part of Devon and uses the aboriginal magic he has learned to displace his host.

Charles Crossley is telling his doctor Robert Graves how he developed strange and mystic powers while he was living with the aborigines for 18 years in the wild reaches of the Australian desert and perfected among other things the "Terror Shout" that can kill in an instant anyone who's near enough to hear it.

Imposing himself on a naive and unsuspecting couple Anthony and Rachel (Susannah York) when returning to England, Crossley became the guest that just doesn't want to leave. Using what he learned from the aborigines, Crossley steals one of Rachel's shoes and casts a spell on it where she becomes madly in love with him giving in to his every whim and command. Even sitting at the foot of the kitchen table, like the family dog, and eating scraps that Crossley throws at her as her astounded husband Anthony watches.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

The wife fucks their guest, the traveler with supposed aboriginal magic, at 1:02:30. She is already under his spell at this point. She kisses him madly from behind and then she comes up to the bedroom as ordered by him and gets naked on the bed as she waits for him to enter. We don't see any kissing or pumping scene after that.

There's a kissing scene between husband and wife (or more like the husband kissing the wife) in the bathtub several scenes later.

The husband comes home and finds the guest, who is supposed to have left, eating on the dining table and his wife kneeling beside him like a dog. The guest tells him to leave because he will fuck his wife or else he will use the "shout" on him. He leaves because he has already experienced the 'shout' earlier and it was indeed very lethal magic. The guest fucks the wife but we only see the post-coital scene where they're lying in bed with covers on.

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