Aruanas (TV Series) (2019)
3.3 (11)

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 60 min | Year: 2019 |  Brazil

Three female friends leading a nonprofit organisation investigate environmental crimes in the Amazon involving a major mining company.

Three idealistic friends set up Aruana, an NGO that investigates the activities of a mining company operating in the Amazon rainforest. It is a place of harsh reality where strange events occur. The activists, each one following their own investigative leads, have come up with a plethora of evidence revealing environmental crimes. While these women unravel a dangerous web of crimes and secrets, they also must deal with their own ghosts and personal dramas.

More Info:  TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Three female friends leading a nonprofit organization investigate environmental crimes in the Amazon involving a major mining company. They are Natalie, Veronica (black chick), and Luiza. Veronica is having an affair with Natalie's husband, Amir. Natalie is going to have an affair with Gregory, an anthropologist who will accompany her film crew to the forest to investigate.


18:59 - Veronica and Amir start making love on the couch but a phone call interrupts them.


35:15 - Veronica and Amir have sex in a hotel room. Strategic nudity mostly but we see her tit briefly at one point.


22:14 - Natalie has a drink and has sex with Gregory at his place, with her doing the initial kiss. She takes her blouse off but not her bra and they do it on the table. This is not revenge cheating because Natalie is still unaware of her husband's infidelity.


5:43 - Olga, a rich female character, and Evona have lesbian sex on the couch. This is the only time we see more than one female breast in one frame.


41:55 - Clara (black chick), an employee at the nonprofit organization, bangs co-worker Jailson and starts a relationship with him while they are pretending to be a married couple to spy on a hotshot. She doesn't take off her oversized sleeveless shirt but we see her tit.


29:18 - Clara makes out with Fracao, an ex-lover, after telling him that she's currently involved with Jailson. (try all servers)

 Director:  Estela Renner, Bruno Safadi, Lucio Tavares

Country:   Brazil
Language:  Portuguese
Release Date:  28 June 2019

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