Boca do Lixo (TV Series) (1990)
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 50 min | Year: 1990 |  Brazil

In Rio Negro, São Paulo, the powerful and wealthy industrial Henrique Ribeiro gets married to the desired famous actress Cláudia Toledo. Every night, Henrique finds excuses to leave Cláudia alone on the bed, and when she decides to investigate if Henrique has a mistress, she surprisingly discloses that he is gay. He proposes a deal to her: if she keeps the appearance of a good marriage for two years, he would give a fortune to her. When Cláudia has an affair with the construction foreman Tomás, he convinces Cláudia that Henrique shall be killed and plots a plan. After the death of Henrique, Cláudia finds that he had embezzled millions of dollars from his company and sold all his real estate to his partner Junqueira including their house. The detective Ciro, in charge of the case of the disappearance of Henrique, maintains with perseverance the investigation of the suspects Cláudia and Tomás. When Cláudia sees Henrique in her house in the night, he freaks out, leading the inquiry into another direction.

More Info:  IMDB

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Cheating Notes

Part 7

The construction foreman forces himself on the wife when she visits the construction site. She resists initially, then starts kissing him back. And then finally, she gives in completely and fucks him willingly. They meet and have sex again at a room (maybe his place, or maybe a hotel room) after that.

The two met earlier in Part 6, when the foreman helped the couple when their car broke down.

Part 9

Guy comes to wife's house and starts making love to her. They break a vase, her husband hears it and comes down with a gun. He searches for what he thinks is an intruder but the guy gets away without being seen by him.

Later, the wife comes to the construction site to make out and have implied sex with the guy.

Part 10

Wife and guy have sex.


Watch Full Playlist (Part 1 to 25)

 Stars:  Reginaldo Faria, Alexandre Frota, Sílvia Pfeifer

Genres: Crime, Mystery, Thriller

Country:   Brazil
Language:  Portuguese
Release Date:  17 July 1990

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