Break Up Club
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 114 min | Year: 2010 |  Hong Kong

When aimless Joe is dumped by his mercurial girlfriend, Flora, he finds an unusual way to win her back: a magical website that allows users to win back lost loves, so long as they agree to break up another happy couple.

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Cheating Notes

Flora's company hires a painting artist to do some work for them. Her boss assigns her as a personal assistant to the artist.

One night, Flora accompanies the painter while he paints late into the night. She calls her boyfriend to come pick her up, but he is giving her the cold treatment because he's busy playing on his psp, so he accepts the painter's offer to give her a ride to the police station to bail out her little brother. They bond in the car. She returns home to her boyfriend who is still playing on his psp.

The next day at work, the painter turns a tantrum and threatens to leave but Flora is able to convince him not to. She hugs him out of joy.

That night, Flora brings some wine and has a drink with the painter in front of the mural that he is working on. He kisses her, and she is kind of receptive, but a loud noise interrupts them and makes her stop. She says goodbye and comes home to her boyfriend. He is being sweet to her, preparing her food and stuff, apologizing for his previous behavior. When he enters the bathroom, she calls the painter and tells him that she already has a boyfriend, but he just tells her that he is out of blue paint. It being her job, she has to go to him to provide him that, but of course, it's just an excuse now. She leaves the house without telling her boyfriend and comes to where the painter is working. Her boyfriend looks confused when he gets out of the bathroom as he can't find her.

As soon as Flora reaches the place where the painter is, he rushes towards her and we see them kiss but it's a far shot. He lifts her while they are making out and carries her towards a building where they will probably have sex but unfortunately, we don't get to see it. We only see their shadows continue making out inside.

In the morning, Flora doesn't immediately come inside her place but instead calls her boyfriend to join her in the chairs in front of their building. She looks very guilty because she fucked the painter last night but she can't get herself to confess to her boyfriend so she just rants on him about her responsibility to her family, about him needing to look for a job, etc. She cries and hugs him and makes it look like it's because of  issues involving their relationship and not about her cheating, but we know better.

Flora's boyfriend sees her having an intimate talk with the painter in her company party (he wasn't invited, he just came there on his own to maybe spy on her). He asks her if she is sleeping with the guy but she doesn't answer it. The two guys fight. The whole thing ends with Flora breaking up with her boyfriend while he is lying on a hospital bed.

Flora and her boyfriend has some makeout scenes in bed and in the bathroom, but that's it. No sex scene betwen Flora and the painter and their makeout scenes are really lacking.

Original / Other Title:  分手說愛你

 Director:  Barbara Wong

Genres: Drama, Comedy, Romance

Country:   Hong Kong
Language:  Cantonese
Release Date:  16 June 2010

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