Housewives from Another World (2010)
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 82 min | Year: 2010 |  United States of America

2007 Penthouse Pet of the Year Heather Vandeven headlines this sexy sci-fi comedy about three beautiful housewives whose heavenly bodies get snatched by aliens attempting to prevent the launch of a deep-space satellite. Christine Nguyen and Rebecca Love co-star.

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We begin with Max (Frankie Cullen), a researcher working on a deep space, wait. Let's not begin there. Let's begin with Max banging the neighbor lady Rita (Rebecca Love) upstairs in the bedroom because that's how the movie starts. Rebecca Love's chest is on display here (when is it NOT on display) and that's what matters the most here. A good way to start the movie!

She also handles something of a duo role (before and after the alien invasion) well. Starting off as a sharp tongued wife (the title is a misnomer in that no one here is really a "housewife" -- she is coming home from a business trip, another works at some tech firm & apparently isn't married & the third isn't really given much of a back-story).

After that, we get into the plot: While Max is having sex with Rita, two things happen simultaneously: his wife, Karen (Heather Vandeven), comes home from a business trip early, and a small meteorite crashes in the backyard of the house. Karen finds Max upstairs in bed with Rita, causing Rita to scamper away. Karen, obviously distraught about catching her husband in bed with the neighbor, resigns herself to drinking away her problems. She finds the destroyed meteorite in the yard and picks up a few shards of it.....when that happens, a strange thing happens to her. Her body is taken over by an alien life form!

As I mentioned before, Max is a researcher, working on a deep-space satellite. His work is what the aliens have come to Earth for because the construction of the satellite means imminent doom for their planet. While that's going on, Tom (Tony Marino) and Carla (Christine Nguyen), Max's co-workers and fellow researchers, are also trying to steal Max's plans for their own personal gain...well, Tom has a few bad debts he has to pay off, but you get my drift.

Meanwhile, the alien inside Karen makes it her duty to "take care" of her husband so he can focus on his work. Yep, I said it. She even recruits Rita and Carla (their bodies anyway) to help her in her quest to foil Max's plans. The movie worked in a bare-bones plot, but as we all know, a good plot is merely a side dish in a softcore movie.

The aliens inhabiting these three ladies have never experienced carnal knowledge before, so they spend most of the movie having sex with the guys and with each other. Hey, it's softcore, what do you expect? The sex scenes were solid for the most part, and Heather Vandeven surprised me by pulling off the comedy in a decent fashion. Rebecca Love and Christine Nguyen are veterans of the game by now, and they turned in worthwhile performances in supporting roles. A naked Rebecca Love is always a treat that NEVER disappoints. I attribute the sex scene performance to her adult film experience, but the girl can be funny and sexy at the same time.

-- Hollywoodshack

Heather Vandeven is the lead here and as in "Life On Top," though she comes off a bit stiff at times, she has a nice acting style in the non-sex roles. Distinctive voice.

She also handles something of a duo role (before and after the alien invasion) well. Starting off as a sharp tongued wife (the title is a misnomer in that no one here is really a "housewife" -- she is coming home from a business trip, another works at some tech firm & apparently isn't married & the third isn't really given much of a back-story).

-- jmatrixrenegade

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