Orgasmo caliente (1981) aka Arabian Sex Story
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 93 min | Year: 1981 |  Spain

A beautiful married female reporter travels to North Africa for a story when she is suddenly abducted by a sex-mad sheik to add to his harem. A disillusioned bar owner tries to save her.

The film opens with a pill-popping junkie kidnapping a girl and strangling her boyfriend while she’s in the shower- flash-forward- Tourist Mary Simpson (Raquel Evans) is on vacation in Arabia….soon after arriving as she’s out sight-seeing, she’s followed by a hooded creep (the pill-popping junkie) that chases her into a bar where she meets a friendly woman who in turn sets her up for a gang-rape in the back, and proceeds to masturbate while watching (and it’s only Mary’s first night in town).

Next day, Mary meets a handsome local, whose best buddy happens to be the pill-popping junkie, He takes her to a massage parlor/spa and gets pampered and such (cue all-girl hot tub orgy, then another orgy with the spa owner).

The next day, handsome guy shows her around town, they get romantic, then his best buddy wacks him over the head and kidnaps the girl and delivers her to a white slave trafficking ring for a pervo sheik and his sadistic helper (lady from the bar).

Meanwhile, handsome guy finds out what his best bud has been up to, and after a rock’em sock’em knife fight, buddy falls to his death and his dying words are Mary’s location.

Soon, Mary and her new girlfriend (shower girl) try to escape the harem and head to a nearby beach for some care-free lesbian frolicking, then get captured again and put to the torture which includes getting burned by candles and getting their pubic hair set on fire several times. Handsome guy shows up at the harem with police to bust up the racket and guns down the evil sheik. Mary and shower girl have lesbian sex in the tub, then handsome guy shows up and that makes three.

In the end, Mary decides to end her vacation and goes back home to her husband and two kids.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Original / Other Title:  Orgasmo caliente, Arabian Sex Story, Harem Heat

 Director:  Enrique Guevara

Genres: Drama

Country:   Spain
Language:  Spanish
Release Date:  27 July 1981

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