A struggling, unemployed musician living with his girlfriend looks to improve his life after he discovers how she's been paying the rent.
Cheating Notes

Tanaka starts working as a hostess in a club to augment her income as a sound technician at a bar where her boyfriend's band usually plays. A rich old client at the club smooth-talks her into having sex with him at a hotel (16:05 and 31:54), initially telling her that there's a better option in making more money but he's actually just referring to her having sex with him. Only the before-and-after-sex scenes are shown, where she's in a shirt and black panties in the first scene and black bra/panties in the second.
We see Tanaka's naked butt as she steps out of the shower to stop her live-in boyfriend from discovering the money she earned (33:51). She admits to him about becoming a hostess as well as a mistress of the rich old client. They quarrel but after that, Tanaka goes to find a day job.
An ex-boyfriend visits Tanaka at the bar. She was in love with him and is now happy to see him again. She has sex with him (46:45), but we only see the initial make-out part, where she takes off her shirt but not her black bra.
Tanaka dates her ex-boyfriend and kisses him in a bar (56:00). I like the smile she has on her face while she is with him.
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