Six Days, Six Nights (1994)
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R  98 min | Year: 1994 |  France

Two sisters, one man, and a love that won't let go.

Alice is a promising young artist in Paris. Her boyfriend Franck, a boxer, has just moved into her attic flat. Then her sister Elsa, a bored housewife, leaves home because of her unfaithful husband and turns up unannounced to stay with Alice and Franck. Elsa disrupts their life by playing psychological games with them, but they cannot bring themselves to throw her out.

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Cheating Notes

Elsa, a bored housewife, leaves her home because of her unfaithful husband and comes to stay with her sister Alice and Alice's boyfriend, Franck. Her husband comes for her one time to persuade her to come home, telling her that their kids miss her, but he fails to convince her.

At 57:18, Elsa tries to seduce Franck but she fails because Alice wakes up.

At 1:18:00, Elsa and Franck have sex while Alice is in the other room, crying while she listens to their moans. Their lovemaking is quite erotic, especially with the subtitles on.

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Original / Other Title:  À la folie, 6 Days, 6 Nights

 Director:  Diane Kurys

Country:   France
Language:  French
Release Date:  28 September 1994

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