Strange Crime (aka Sotto falso nome aka Under a False Name)
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Poster for the movie "Under a False Name"
 105 min | Year: 2004 |  Switzerland Italy France

A mysterious writer is involved in a love affair with his stepson's wife, leading to a web of intrigue and desire.

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Cheating Notes


An ok thriller with a somewhat predictable plot twist. The wife (Anna Mouglalis) is hot and her cheating scenes inside the bathroom during a party and at her place are quite nice though a bit lacking.

Cheating Scenes in Sotto falso nome

Note: Watched with Google-translated subtitles

Daniel is on a ferry boat going to Capri to attend the wedding of his stepson Fabrizio. There, he meets a hot girl who flirts with him. They end up sharing a taxi and having sex in a hotel room.

On the wedding day, Daniel finds out that the hot girl he made love to last night is the bride of his stepson. Her name is Mila (Anna Mouglalis). The wedding proceeds and Mila is now the wife of Fabrizio.

Several scenes later, Mila sends a message to Daniel and tells him to meet her at her place. Daniel goes to the place and they have sex where he pounds her from behind.

During a party at Fabrizio and Mila's house, Mila secretly gestures to Daniel to follow him in the bathroom. They have sex inside the bathroom while the party is going on. She kneels and gives him a blowjob while he lifts her and puts her on the sink and fucks her. When Mila comes out of the bathroom, Daniel's wife, who is drinking with Fabrizio on the couch, asks her if she has seen Daniel. She says no.

Mila has a female friend, Eva, who is also hot. There's a scene in a dressing room where they kiss briefly on the lips. Maybe they are long-time lesbian lovers, or maybe it's nothing.

One morning, Daniel receives a package containing pictures of him and Mila fucking at her place. He spends a good time of the movie finding out who is trying to blackmail him.

In the latter part of the film, Daniel's wife is suspicious and follows him to a restaurant where he talks to Mila. Mila sees her and intentionally kisses Daniel in front of her without Daniel knowing. Daniel's wife lets her presence known to Daniel and tells him to go away from her life but to not let Fabrizio (her son) know about his affair with Mila so that Fabrizio won't get hurt.

In the final part of the movie, Daniel and Mila have sex again, and I think Mila is still with Fabrizio at this point.

More Info for Sotto falso nome

Info + Torrent Download Link:

Original / Other Title:  Sotto falso nome

 Director:  Roberto Andò

Genres: Romance, Drama, Mystery

Country:   Switzerland Italy France
Language:  Polish, French, Italian
Release Date:  10 November 2004

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