Westside (TV Series) (2015)
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 60 min | Year: 2015 |  New Zealand

The story of legendary safe cracker and career criminal Ted West and his firecracker of a wife, Rita. Combining real events and the rich folklore of the West family and associates, this is rollicking history, and a tempestuous romance, set at a time of great social upheaval.

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Cheating Notes

Note: Strategic nudity at most, but the cheating scenes are still quite sexy. I like Theresa's flirting/cheating scenes the most.


41:30 - Because they can't create a child, Phineas gives Carol permission to find someone to fuck and impregnate her. Phineas' pal and crewmate Brent overhears Carol propositioning somebody at a party. When the guy rejects her, Brent steps in and offers to fuck her himself. They then fuck in the car but Carol runs away while in the middle of it, telling him it's wrong.


13:02 - Carol makes out and has implied sex with Brent in his car while they're parked on the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea.


4:42 - Carol has sex with Brent on the grass, under a tree.

41:33 - Carol has sex with Brent while at the same time, her husband Phineas is having sex with a whore. The whore, by the way, is Theresa, the live-in girlfriend of their crewmate Lefty. Or more appropriately, his mistress since he has a wife and is temporarily separated from her.


7:20 - Ted crashes at Lefty and Theresa's place because Rita kicks him out of their house. While Ted and Lefty are talking in the living room, Theresa comes in wearing pink sexy lace bra and panties. She then nonchalantly puts on her pink dress in front of Ted, telling him that if there's anything she can do to help, to just let her know. When Lefty notices Ted checking Theresa's behind out as she leaves the room, he tells him that what Theresa meant by offering him help is about laundry and stuff. "Of course," replies Ted. This is a low-key sexy scene and it will eventually lead to Ted and Theresa fucking later.

40:49 - Rita, Ted's wife, accepts brothel owner Danny's invitation to go out and she wears a sexy red dress for their date. They dance and then they fuck in a standing position in the club's backstage.


23:18 - Rita fucks Danny again, at his brothel when he tells her to go there to reign in Phineas.

31:40 - Theresa and Ted talk when she comes home one morning from work. It turns into flirting, mostly coming from her end. They will have sex in this interaction but the actual sex scene will only be shown in a flashback scene next episode.


16:53 - During an investigation, a brief flashback scene shows us that Theresa and Ted fucked on the dining table during their interaction in the previous episode. After sex, she told him to pay up because she doesn't give freebies to Lefty's mate, and then she looked seductively at him and added, "...even though they deserve one," and then kissed him.

34:19 - Phineas comes home and finds Carol and Bert fucking in the bedroom.

37:40 - Rita admits to Ted that she fucked Danny.


41:40 - Phineas and Bert reconcile and then when they go to Phineas' house, they find Carol having sex with another dude.


37-50 - During a wedding, Phineas sees his wife and the dude she fucked in the previous episode come out of a room, her hair disheveled and the strap of her dress down. Burly Phineas and the small, geeky dude fight.


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