Forbidden Love (1993)
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Forbidden Love
 92 min | Year: 1993 |  Hong Kong

A young female reporter is hot on the tail of a phony film producer/photographer who has been seducing innocent women. The twist is she also falls for his irresistible charm.

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Cheating Notes

The movie starts off cheap, with not-so-attractive ladies posing for the photographer and being fucked by him without any proper development in their relationships. But it really picks up steam when Hsin Hsin starts cheating on her boyfriend with the photographer. Or more specifically, when she starts dreaming of having sex with him.

I like Hsin Hsin's transformation from being a conservative girlfriend to a cheating slut who gets turned on by kinky sex. I mean, it has become obvious as the movie progresses that she was just being conservative to her boyfriend because he doesn't turn her buttons on in the right way sexually. But when she meets the photographer, with the preconceived notion that he is onto kinky, dangerous sex based on the testimonies of his previous conquests, oh man, she really wants to experience what the other "victims" had gone through with him.

Hsin Hsin comes to the photographer's place, acting like she is indignant towards him, but her actions betray her willingness to submit to him, like not coming out of the cabinet when he puts here inside even if it isn't locked, then having her feet tied with metal chain without really giving him a hard time. And while he's doing all those sexual stuff to her in the dining table, she is screaming from time to time but she doesn't really go all the way out in stopping him, does she?

I like the doubt clouding Hsin Hsin's mind when she mingles with her boyfriend and her female friend after parting ways with the photographer. And when she fucks her bf on her office desk because the photographer made her horny? Well, it's kind of sexy but lacking but I like the fact that she stops because she realizes she couldn't feel the eroticism from her boyfriend the same way she felt it from the photographer.

Finally, her first real sex with the photographer at her office and subsequently, their second time at her place are both quite stellar.

More Info for Forbidden Love (1993) |

Original / Other Title:  禁春

 Director:  Lam Yee Hung

Genres: Thriller

Country:   Hong Kong
Language:  Cantonese
Release Date:  21 October 1993

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