In the Name of Love (2012)
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 115 min | Year: 2012 |  Vietnam

In this dark love triangle that proceeds with the inexorable logic of a Greek tragedy, a dedicated wife in a small Vietnamese fishing village secretly turns to another man when her husband is unable to give her the child they both crave — but the surrogate father's crazed jealousy will have fateful consequences. (TIFF)

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Cheating Notes

The wife lets her ugly neighbor fuck her because her handsome husband is unable to give her the child they both crave (24:41).

The neighbor becomes obsessed with the wife, professes to her that he loves her and attempts to rape her but fails (30:20).

The wife has given birth to her baby. The neighbor now shifts his obsession from the wife towards her baby and wants to spend more time with him, and later even wants to take him, etc. He blackmails her to have sex with him, threatening to tell her husband everything if she doesn't (50:17).


Fucking intense drama/thriller.

Categories: Asia, Cheating, Cheating Wife

Original / Other Title:  Lấy Chồng Người Ta

 Director:  Lưu Huỳnh

Genres: Thriller

Country:   Vietnam
Language:  Tiếng Việt
Release Date:  7 September 2012

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