Incendiary (2008)
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 113 min | Year: 2008 |  United Kingdom

One moment can change a life forever.

A woman's life is torn apart when her husband and infant son are killed in a suicide bombing at a soccer match.

Grief, guilt, and betrayal. In North London, a young mother dotes on her four-year-old son and lives in a modest flat with her husband, a cop in the bomb squad. The Arsenal football team is their religion. On May Day, a major terrorist attack brings tragedy while she is in the arms of a rich reporter who lives over the road. She wishes she were dead. In grief and guilt, she pursues revenge, faces betrayal, experiences delusions, and maybe suicidal. Two men seek her affection: the reporter and a colleague of her husband's who imagines caravan camping with her on a beach. In London, the city of the Great Fire and of Hitler's bombardment, is there any way back to life for her?

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

The wife (Michelle Williams) takes a break from babysitting her infant son and goes to a bar to have a drink. She doesn't intend to hook up but she couldn't resist the charm of a rich reporter (Ewan McGregor) who starts hitting on her. She comes with him to his place, kisses him, and has implied sex with him (15:35).

A few days later, the wife brings the reporter home and fucks her on the couch when her husband and her son went out to watch a soccer match (20:28). She is in the middle of fucking the reporter when she sees the stadium blow up on tv. Apparently, it's a suicide bombing and unfortunately, her husband and son are included in the list of casualties.


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