Siklo (2022)
3.6 (9)

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 108 min | Year: 2022 |  Philippines

A crooked pastor's mistress and a delivery rider get engaged in a steamy affair. When their secrets are revealed, they have to face the consequences.

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Cheating Notes

The pastor's mistress cheats on him with a delivery rider and his wife cheats on him with his son (her stepson), who is also the head of his security team.

The pastor is the dangerous kind. He deals in drugs and has goons (a.k.a his security team) whom he isn't afraid to use in killing people, like the guy who has a traffic altercation with his mistress.

The pastor's wife is sluttier than the mistress. At the beginning of the movie, I thought she was the mistress with the way she acts sexually with her husband. They fuck before they join the party downstairs in their mansion.

The delivery rider has a hot live-in partner himself. They fuck in bed and in the bathroom. I particularly like their sex scene in the bathroom.

Good seduction scene between the delivery rider and the pastor's mistress on his second visit to her home. The mistress isn't really seducing the rider intentionally, or at least it doesn't seem that way. She receives him wearing wet clothes (made wet because she was fixing the pipe under her sink) which causes her nipples to poke through her shirt. And her clothes become wetter when the rider offers to fix her pipe and it causes more water coming from the pipes to spray on her clothes while he is fixing it. After that, the mistress changes her clothes in her bedroom with the door open, enabling the rider to see her naked. They don't fuck this time but do so on their next meeting, which happens after she gets beaten up by the pastor because of jealousy.

The pastor's wife and her stepson fuck on the backstairs of a building.

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