There Is No I in Threesome (2021)
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 87 min | Year: 2021 |  New Zealand

The story of Ollie and Zoe, a newly engaged couple who agree to try out an open relationship.

Ollie and Zoe are a magnificent couple who are planning to get married in about a year, but first, they want to do some sexual exploring. So they agree on some rules and enter into an open relationship arrangement.

Along the way, Ollie realizes (or admits) that he is bisexual, so that also plays in. Ollie meets a lady he falls for. Zoe meets Tom, a guy she super falls for. Then things get complicated. Jealousy arises and tension builds.

(Spoiler) By the end, they are within a couple of months of their wedding, but Zoe suddenly bails on Ollie to go with Tom fully. That's when Ollie confesses to us the audience that, while this stuff did happen between him and his fiancée, the girl playing Zoe was an actress.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

20:00 - Ollie watches his girlfriend Zoe on video chat while she is fucking someone.

All I can say about Ollie as Zoe falls in love with Tom is... OUCH.

1 Comment

  1. Excellent movie! Especially the scene of the three of them in the bar. It’s a pity that what happened next in Tomm’s house was not depicted, but only recounted by Ollie. Should be definetely placed on hot list!

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