Come to My Bedside (1975)
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 92 min | Year: 1975 |  Denmark

The newly married Kirsten is startled by the sexual expectations of her husband Børge, a handsome young sunlamp salesman. He wants her to suck his dick but she doesn't want to. So she leaves him and returns to her parents' home. When she tells her parents about her husband's sexual demands, it becomes her father's inspiration. He and their neighbor Svend decide to swap the bedroom for a night without their wives' knowledge. Meanwhile, Kirsten's distraught husband takes up bachelor life with gusto, and beds many of the women who come to comfort him. Kirsten also has an affair of her own: a lesbian action with a female and a threesome with her and her new co-worker photographer, both known to her husband. In the end, Kirsten is now more open-minded about sex and she and her husband decide to be together again.

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Cheating Notes

A fun and sexy comedy with cheating wife and wife-swapping-without-the-wives-knowledge themes. Kirsten, the main wife, is very pretty... and very sexy too.

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With English subtitles.

Original / Other Title:  Der må være en sengekant!, Without a Stitch Part 3: Come to My Bedside

 Director:  John Hilbard

Genres: Adult, Comedy

Country:   Denmark
Language:  Danish
Release Date:  3 March 1975

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