Brotherly Love (1970)


In this British tragi-comedy taking place among emotionally bankrupt upper-class Scottish countrymen, Peter O’Toole plays Sir Charles Henry Arbuthnot Pinkerton Ferguson, a mentally disturbed Scotsman, living on his uncared-for farm, who also harbors an incestuous yearning for his sister Hilary (Susannah York), who is staying with Sir Charles after a fight with her husband Douglas (Michael Craig). However, while at a local sheep auction, she encounters Douglas and realizes she still loves him. They agree […]

Female Animal (1970)


A sultry Latin peasant woman, who has overstayed her welcome in her relatives’ home, is run off the road while bicycling by a wealthy aristocrat. Immediately attracted to her, he hires her as his “maid” and introduces her to the good life. She soon finds herself in a bitter power struggle between the man and his spoiled playboy son. After being subjected to an LSD cocktail and a shipboard orgy, and having slept with the […]

Diary of a Mad Housewife


Tina Balser is a bored New York housewife-mother married to Jonathan, a pompous, social-climbing lawyer who ridicules her in front of their children, criticizing everything she does or wears. She begins an affair with George Prager, a dashing, successful and blatantly sadistic writer.