Hypnotic Sex: I like Big Things (2018)
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 72 min | Year: 2018 |  Japan

A female psychiatrist continues running the psychiatric clinic that she used to facilitate with her husband when he was alive. One day, she puts a man who has lost his memory under hypnosis to find out about his past. Through his memories, she also learns the lustful truth about herself, and her hidden desires explode.

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Cheating Notes

Through hypnosis, a man who has amnesia remembers an event where he walked on his girlfriend having sex with another guy (49:48). His ex-girlfriend is an artist who is into weird shit and kinky stuff. Instead of confronting them, he sat down and jerked off (while kind of crying) while watching the guy fuck his girlfriend. After the guy left, he tried to have sex with his girlfriend but she rejected him, which led to a physical altercation between them and ultimately leading to him getting amnesia.

The man and the psychiatrist (a widow) who subjected him to hypnosis become a couple and the same thing happens, he also walks on her getting fucked by another guy (1:00:23). They have a quarrel but after that, she initiates lovemaking with him. The other guy who fucked her seems to be a psychiatrist also. So maybe it's all part of the man's therapy? Maybe to help him recover, they recreated his cuckolding experience only this time, the woman who's cuckolding him doesn't reject him after?

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Original / Other Title:  최면섹스 커다란게 좋아, Dekiai, Hypnosis Sex – I like Big Things

 Stars:  Nozomi Hazuki

Genres: Drama, Pinku, Mystery

Country:   Japan
Language:  Japanese
Release Date:  2 April 2018

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