Stockholm East (2011)


Not only does a man kill another man’s daughter with his car (accidentally), but he also fucks his wife because he thinks that she needs saving. Saving from what, dick? From the grief that you yourself caused her? And what about her husband? Doesn’t he need saving too, you hypocrite? On top of it all, the wife leaves her husband to be with her daughter-killer.

Tsuma no Haha Sayuri (2011) aka Wife’s Mother Sayuri


Akihito, the main character is a white-collar worker. He has a wife, Akane, but she runs away from home with her lover. When he is at a loss what to do, he comes to a former lover for comfort: Fujino, his aunt. She’s the woman who took away his virginity but decided to leave him after having one final sex with him to marry her fiance. But now, she’s divorced and decides to hook up […]