The Hunger (TV Series) (1997)


“The Hunger” is a horror anthology series where the hosts eccentrically introduce each of the steamy, erotic and often supernatural tales of power, sex, lust, and driving urges. Some of the episodes are about cheating women.

Bondage Show (1979)


A man plays the bondage show with his wife, has lung disease, in the end of the 19th century. After his wife dies, an ex-military police guy helps him to get a stable life without bondage shows. One day, he meets a woman who closely resembles his ex-wife and she wants to be tied by rope for her husband, who is an artist and near to death, to paint. The woman desperately asks the man to tied her up by rope…

Secretary Rope Discipline (1981)


Secretary Sayo does some corporate snooping for her boyfriend, an upstart executive with a rival company. But she gets busted by the CEO. Poor Sayo is captured and taken to a private torture chamber in the corporate mansion. While the secretary gets punished, the bossman’s son becomes infatuated with her beautiful white skin and he assumes the disciplinary responsibilities. Between the floggings, stretchings, and wooden-horse tortures he finds time to cover her body in an elaborate tattoo.